Purple Cow

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Purple Cow

  • Autor: Seth Godin
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Edición: 1 | Año: 2009
  • Páginas: 160 | Formato: EPUB
  • Editorial: Penguin Publishing Group
  • Categoría: Negocios

You're either a Purple Cow or you're not. You're either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice. What do Apple, Starbucks, Dyson and Pret a Manger have in common? How do they achieve spectacular growth, leaving behind former tried-and-true brands to gasp their last? The old checklist of P's used by marketers - Pricing, Promotion, Publicity - aren't working anymore. The golden age of advertising is over. It's time to add a new P - the Purple Cow.



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